Bernd 08/18/2024 (Sun) 14:16 No.52329 del
Sounds like Lula had to pick between two seats, and he chose sitting on the floor. Vaguely I remember him doing another failure of a balancing act some time ago, no?
>Maduro's rhetoric
He obviously has to refuse fascism. That is always a good move. Then has to claim he is democratic despite not fulfilling the liberal-democratic expectations of the West. Then have to ponder to the Catholic traditions of Hispanics, South Americans; they were always faithful, even commies. Then have to place himself within the geopolitical trends, USA is unfriendly, means have to align against Israel. etc etc. At least that's my impression from your sketch.

Hatespeech is ofc silly to begin with. And really if we say can do hatespeech against group X, then surely can be done against group Y. Since it's nonsense there are no rules where to apply.