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(39.66 KB 844x1157 1329914729003.png)
Bernd 02/28/2022 (Mon) 19:45:17 [Preview] No. 46759
I can't believe it's real

Bernd 02/28/2022 (Mon) 19:45:44 [Preview] No.46760 del
it's proxy

Bernd 03/01/2022 (Tue) 02:37:50 [Preview] No.46771 del
>nato: gruzia and ukraine could join nato
>russia: do not try to join nato
>gruzia: let's crack down on south ossetia and join nato!
<"i can't believe this is happening"

>nato: ukraine could join nato, here, have some cookies
>russia: do not try to join nato
>ukraine: let's overthrow yanukovych and join nato!
<"i can't believe this is happening"

>nato: ukraine could still join nato, some day, maybe
>russia: do not try to join nato
>ukraine: not only we should join nato we should also re-nuclearize!
<"i can't believe this is happening"

Bernd 03/03/2022 (Thu) 02:06:12 [Preview] No.46794 del
>latvia, lithuania, estonia: joins nato

Bernd 03/03/2022 (Thu) 02:10:55 [Preview] No.46795 del
>latvia, lithuania, estonia have no putin @ their borders despite decommunisation, treating vatniks like shit they are and all three of them have striking advances on human development

meanwhile russia fucks up its' own people and fucks up ukraine so vatniks can dwell in the land of dreams.

russian motto: never lived better, never gonna start; never lived better, never gonna let the others start

Bernd 03/03/2022 (Thu) 02:50:28 [Preview] No.46796 del
>latvia, lithuania, estonia
yes, these are exactly your role models
you look at them and your heart aches
you long for the day when you too can be an insignificant little cuck state worshiping the us-nato cock like its life depends on it (because it does)
"who gaf about any rus civilisation, just let me play games on steam and allow my daughter to whore herself on onlyfans like a civilised westerner!"

Bernd 03/03/2022 (Thu) 12:00:39 [Preview] No.46802 del
(30.16 KB 450x305 spede11.jpg)
Where are your flags

Bernd 03/03/2022 (Thu) 12:32:55 [Preview] No.46803 del
They left it in the trenches.

Bernd 03/04/2022 (Fri) 02:36:55 [Preview] No.46810 del
They Russian tor posters

that board you crossposted doesn't exist tbh

Bernd 03/04/2022 (Fri) 10:09:07 [Preview] No.46829 del
Also Ukrainian, maybe Belarusians too, and other ex-sovok.
I think it is meant as a joke. Since polru is liek a polua now.

Bernd 03/08/2022 (Tue) 14:43:18 [Preview] No.46858 del
Russians want your resources man. Must suck.

Bernd 03/21/2022 (Mon) 01:22:22 [Preview] No.46999 del
(110.31 KB 1024x768 uyuhy.jpeg)
Hope ur still alive and kicking OP

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