Anonymous 10/23/2022 (Sun) 16:15 No.3726 del
>wish i had a twatter acct so i could post a reply to PINK….

allow WE THE PEOPLE to be clear… if you believe abortion two seconds before natural childbirth is a woman's right; if you think that faggot groomers have the right to brainwash impressionable four-year-olds in kindergarden with their sick perverted views on sexuality behind their parents' back and against their parents' wishes; if you think all white people are racists but it's OK for "people of color" to advocate white genocide; then please, in the name of your master Satan, never ever use electricity from the power plants WE BUILT, never ride in a car or a boat or a plane or a bus that WE BUILT, never eat the food that WE GROW, and get your diseased fat ass out of the buildings WE BUILT. also, GFY, you arrogant pretentious talentless whore. WE GOOD? or do you want to add COLOSSAL HYPOCRITE to the list of your "virtues?"