Anonymous 10/23/2022 (Sun) 16:16 No.3894 del
>trump says his generals are better looking
DJT is a fucking idiot, and every time he opens his mouth he sets the great awakening back 10 yrs.


White Hats within the U.S. military and at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago command center have recommended that President Donald J. Trump avoid more interviews with Deep Staters masquerading as friends or neutral parties, a Mar-a-Lago source told Real Raw News.

The advice came after Trump and freedom-hating Piers Morgan sat down for a discussion hosted by The Sun, a U.K. rag-mag posing as serious journalism. Minutes into the interview, Morgan, who claimed to be Trump’s friend, viciously attacked Trump’s stance on the 2020 presidential election. He berated Trump’s longtime assertion that the election had been rigged and stollen, and asked him to admit, finally, that he had lost the election fair and square.

Trump wisely called Morgan a “fool,” and accurately labeled RHINO Deep Staters Mitch McConnell and Michael Pence “Extremely stupid” and “very weak,” respectively.

“President Trump has a tendency to want to give his position, and that’s caused him to get involved in interviews with Deep Staters trying to trick him up or put him in a ‘gotcha’ situation. Morgan’s what we call a Trojan Horse, a guy feigning friendship while secretly plotting to undermine. Morgan’s history shows this. We shouldn’t forget his interview with Alex Jones, which proved Morgan is a communist,” our source said.

His comment was a reference to a 2012 heated debate on gun rights between Morgan and Infowars host Alex Jones. Morgan opined that Americans should not have the right to bear arms and advocated for abolishing the 2nd Amendment.

“For someone who once said he hates America, Morgan sure spends a lot of time here,” our source said. “Trump keeps his friends close and enemies closer, but he expected a fair interview. There’s no doubt Morgan is a paid shill.”

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