Anonymous 10/23/2022 (Sun) 16:27 No.5785 del
What is the difference between power and control, anon?
Can you stop another side from taking their turn in a game?
This is where many people choke. They get preoccupied with trying to prevent their opponent from making the moves they are in position to make and will make.
How do you make your opponent move as you design?

20 years ago, how many people were talking about the federal reserve? 20 years ago, how many people were talking about establishing and enforcing gun rights? 20 years ago - how many people were paying attention to the structure of their government and the consequences of its actions?

How many people thought it was all just a game? Kind of like a horse race - will the red side or the blue side win? And oh wasn't that a fun and dramatic show?

For example, when I saw comments in video sections where people were calling a "blue Texas" something "beautiful" - why did they think this? How many were seeing it as a simple sport of little consequence?

What is the victory condition?
To merely put Trump back in office?
To merely punish a few DC criminals?
Will either of those result in the stated victory condition of returning the control of government to the people?

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