Anonymous 10/23/2022 (Sun) 16:33 No.6376 del

Get ready and get ready as much as you can. I don’t know how much time is left. If you have prepared, prepare for more and more. It’s going to be harsher than what you think. You will have no water, no electricity and no gas. It means you won’t be able to wash clothes in the machine, you won’t have water to shower and you won’t have the stove to cook nor your refrigerator will work. Not to mention you won’t have any lights at all. Prepare accordingly and buy canned stuff and survival stuff, mostly if you are in a hot urban zone. It’s going to be big and it’s going to be very harsh, more than you can imagine. If you are feeling the burn from the inflation right now, you haven’t seen anything yet. The prices will go up 300 %, at least, regardless where you live. This is a low estimate.