Anonymous 10/23/2022 (Sun) 16:35 No.6544 del

Police arrest man outside Kavanaugh's home with weapon, saying wanted to kill justice, reports

The suspect was taken into custody by police after telling officers he wanted to kill the Kavanaugh

A California man carrying at least one weapon near the Maryland home of Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh was arrested early Wednesday morning, according to news reports.

The suspect was taken into custody by police after telling officers he wanted to kill Kavanaugh, people familiar with the investigation told The Washington Post.

The man is described by the newspaper as in his mid-20s and carrying at least one weapon and burglary tools, the sources told the newspaper.

The incident follows the publication of a leaked Supreme Court draft opinion indicating the bench's conservative major, which includes Kavanaugh, is ready to rule on a case that would overturns Roe. v. Wade, the 49-year-old decision that guaranteed nationwide the constitutional right to have an abortion.

The man was arrested at about 1:50 a.m., a Supreme Court spokeswoman said in a statement.

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