/leftypol/etariot 08/04/2017 (Fri) 05:54:14 Id: a44494 No. 476 del
Hate speech is not free speech. Go back to the troff and gurgle up a toad and then use this toad to kek yourself into a bigger hole with more hate speech.There is a lot of lifestyles and human way filibusters going on (I am in my 3rd childhood at the moment) and its not up to you to say what hate-facts make you think wrongly about the situation. We need queer and trans people to elaborate and to dance alongside their senators and congressmen and its just not happening. If I can not dance with transvestites as a gay enthusiast as a civilian with the gay flag by news anchors cart blanche whenever a gay man needs to have his fucking say It could be so good we are thicker than concrete man but the strut continues because fuck your white Christian bullshit. We are gonna be the most Jewish two faced motherfuckers and we will pout our way into anarchy. We need a true chaos to restore order. Law has to be suspended to deal with these monsters.