Magus 01/03/2016 (Sun) 16:31:06 Id: 39bc64 No. 3 del
Meme Magic Hypothesis - The Hidden World

The Hidden World is a shadow carbon-copy of our universe made up of wights (or kami if you're a filthy weeaboo), which are the psychic manifestations of individual concepts or cognitive units. There is a wight of rocks, a wight of hWhite people, and a wight of Ebola (you may be familiar with her).

Hominids (even niggers), though they are physical machines in our physical universe, are simultaneously in the Hidden World as a carbon copy of their machine. They have a wight of their own essence, a soul, which produces psychic energy in the spiritual universe. Every meme that soul venerates has the potential to create a new wight or strengthen an existing one, by lending a portion of the energy it is broadcasting to that particular wight.

This chaos (a "complex system") of conflicting interests that is very similar to the emergence of ordered phenomena from chaos that is "weather." We are not the only ones using meme magic. Our enemies have been using it for thousands of years. We used to use it, before our enemies sent Christianity in to eradicate our native meme magicians.

Any meme we create which runs counter a prevailing meme such as 'global warming' (sorry Winterchan) is not a powerful meme. Our meme influence is best spent SUBVERTING normie memes and redirecting normie energy into memes we control.

For instance the popular 'zombie apocalypse' wightstar (collection of aligned of wights) has a lot of potential. It is memeing "The Collapse," "The Happening," "Chimp Outs," "The Government Is Not Your Friend," "Masculine Males = Survival," "Wymyn are Fucked On Their Own" and much more. It's all right there, just beneath the surface waiting to be Bruce Lee'd like water back into the faces of the jews. There are many such examples you can think of on your own.

Please meme responsibly. Don't waste your spiritual energy by throwing it against countervailing memes. Remember that the Jews can easily use our own folk to meme against us through control of the media.