Anonymous 09/25/2019 (Wed) 13:28:29 No.116 del
macdonald. a people that shall dwell alone.

seems that the jew alleles have been cultivated to some efficiency, very racist are these jews..

so yeah, you start off with a core group of people, constantly guided by the rabbis, outsiders kicked out, insiders brought in, whats good for the group is always put forth, send out missionaries to all other countries, to breed with the rich and powerful, then send out the purebloods to assimilate the mischlings, seems about right. monitor and regulate all behavior within the commune, going as far as to get rid of redheads even they say. the food guidelines are interesting. and all of their actions are to destroy other cultures and boost theirs. its really rather nuts, you wonder how the first missionary jews coming into a country do it. especially after already being kicked out, sometimes multiple times.

its the jewish alleles, they pass them the microchimerism, and telegeny, and they are so thick outbreeding is necessary to prevent serious defects. but those alleles turn on the ability for them to be guided by a certain evil.