Anonymous 09/25/2019 (Wed) 13:48:58 No.119 del
which gets me to the point, labor is money, two coins can't copulate, so usury/interest is false

logos is the way

so if everything you do is labor, and its fruits are consumed by you, then there is no need of loans, no interest, logos prevails

thats the natural paradigm, a society of self sufficient farmers, only producing for themselves.

if you look at the history of farming, you'll see that chemical fertilizers is what started all this overpopulation, it got real big after all those ww2 bombs, lots of fertilizer

but if you look back you'll see in the mid 1800's thats when it really started to rumble

the fertilizers allowed mass cities to be built, totally ignorant of logos, built by the lower energy food being produced

i'd say you have to go back to 1812, that's about where the crazy civilization changes start