Anonymous 09/11/2019 (Wed) 23:05:19 No.53 del

note about 911

before it happened, nobody liked new yorkers, they are a pieces of shit, worst yankees ever, i didn't think it mattered that the towers were hit, because its new york, nobody likes them.

then all of a sudden, the planes stopped flying, and the sky was unbelievable

it was wonderful, then the next day the news just kept coming.. and i was like wtf who cares about new york..

then a year later, the heroin started hitting the colleges, it was everywhere, before people on smoked pot, maybe some coke everynow and then, but boom, heroin everywhere..

at the same time all the good local pot dried up, the cops wiped out everything but some shitty chem bc bud, even schwag was hard to find

schwag was 80 and ounce, kind was 50 an 1/8th, 400 an o, then the bc bud, we called beasters, showed up and it wouldn't even get you high..

so no more pot, bust all the locals, send in heroin... noice

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