Worst fucking webshit ever made sage your whole website 12/24/2019 (Tue) 20:16:01 No.18 del
I've posted 40 posts in the last 2 days here and about 3 remain. On top of that you have to fill a captcha for every post (it wouldn't be anonymous otherwise, anyone who uses a single captcha for more than one post is a cuck) in the most retarded way possible.
1. Write post
2. Enable cookies
3. Hit submit
4. Go to captcha page
5. Solve captcha and hit submit
6. Go back twice to original page
7. Press submit
7 steps to post. Meanwhile based nanochan/picochan allow you to make a post in one step and don't need cookies. Now on top of this every board is full of retard mods who delete anything they don't like.

This "based,red pilled,free speech" webshit is no better than autistic forums of the 2000s that banned you for saying "nigger" nor reddit