Anonymous 05/08/2023 (Mon) 22:29 No.17537 del
**We went on as normal, but from that moment on, it was bugging me in the back of my mind that I fucked up big time.
The event officially ended and we got moved to the void(forcibly) by the staff, where the last few people tend to linger a bit. It was only 4 of us left and while we still messed around in the pitch black darkness, I felt that I can't let it end like this and became desperate. So I took out a mini computer away from the others and started typing "sumimasen xyz-san memorial-room no koto shitsumon rikai dekinakatta". Just as I was typing it, halfway I noticed THEY noticed and started reading it. I forgot the display showed the text on BOTH sides! So they came to me, read it and (I think) he explained some people prefer if their photos aren't put up in the memorial rooms and he was asking about that. And he asked again to make sure if I'm okay with it. And (I think) I managed to gesture that I'm okay with it(I should have just written it to make sure but hindsight 20/20) since everyone was cheering.**
Kill me.