Anonymous 01/04/2016 (Mon) 21:24:12 No. 9 del
>>1 Zwaha~ Best forgotten general pony. It really sucks having to go to Ponychan to get my Milky fix lemme tell ya.
Hurts to know the real /mlp/ has hit the point they're willing to move backwards just to retain their freedom to post normally.

No one cares about jewt anymore, thank fuck that faggot is dead and good riddance.

Can't fuckin' believe he was the cancer behind it all in the end. I knew the guy back in '04 during the initial SA exodus. Never thought he would turn out that way, but /n/ was the end of jewt-with-backbone.
Well, with a shekel-rubbin' nip at the helm perhaps he'll figure out one day why the site makes no money nor content and immolate the lot of them. 4chan, despite being literally jewed, ironically now has a chance to return to what it once was.
Didn't really have time to work on CSS or even think of a new header. Hell, didn't think anyone would use this place til I started shilling. So nice milkyget n all.

Not just /pol/ but one of the admins is an SJ faggot from derpibooru. Told me as much himself when he kicked me out of there.
Horseshoe theories? On MY ponies? Moar likely than you think!
So, a marriage between the two worst types of horseniggers on the internet. Brilliance.

And no, there will be no claiming of boards like that again. On every single non-8chan (including infinitydev) I claimed both to prevent their revival. Lost my pw for .pl though so it got jackknifed by Russian spammers.

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