Violated Hero 01/05/2016 (Tue) 22:40:11 Id: 24d2dc No. 387 del
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Is there anything particularly evil about irc? I'm on the steam chat (albeit I only joined because of the possibility of 8chan and by extension /monster/ would crash with no survivors and we'd have to make a plan in case all goes to hell) and it's not like any of us have stopped caring about the board. It gets kinda autistic sometimes but we really just wanna stick together and shitpost/share neat things.
Fuck all this e-drama, I just want some place to talk about and enjoy vidya, monstergirls, chink comics, and dank memes with anons. Is that too much to ask?
They might be friends, but I find it hard to believe Freddie forgot that Josh is an attention whoring pedo lolcow. You don't get to bring friends to personal projects, especially your weird one, without jeopardizing either the friendship or the project.
Now for $12k we've got 2 broken sites and a lifetime's supply of e-drama. Hotwheels could've just grabbed some fucks off of /tech/ to do it way better and there wouldn't even be any charge for them. Hell, you could've gotten random anons, taught them web development and make them make the site in less than 18 months and we'd probably get something functional.
At this point, Hotwheels is either best off firing Josh so he can take his $12k to buy CP that he'll get caught and v& for and using lynxchan (i.e. swallowing his pride) or just shutting it down and us moving here permanently. The first has the problem of still having to deal with problems in 8chan (specifically it's larger communities) and the latter has the issue of fragmenting an already relatively small community. Thankfully, it seems /monster/, /bane/, /his/, and /v/ (to Mark's chargrin) are set on here as a backup.
>lost touch with his users
But why? Why did it happen?