Violated Hero 01/07/2016 (Thu) 13:45:17 Id: 4be832 No. 444 del
>I try to hold the knife in non-threatening way.
>"The emergency broadcast spooked me. Self-defense only." I articulate as calmly as I can.
>"Emergency broadcast?" Sarah asks, sounding surprised.
>Internet went down, I opened television and it showed automated message to remain calm and indoors."
>"It makes sense." She says with insightful look on her face.
>"What makes sense?" I ask.
>"Well, every woman on the planet suddenly... 'transforming' will surely mess lot of things."
>"Every woman?" I ask shocked.
>"I think so." She responds like we're talking about weather.
>"How do you know that?"
>"I gained various bits of knowledge when I Transformed." She says with proud know-it-all tone.
>"What kind of knowledge?" I ask.
>She look nervous for a moment, then gains smug grin.
>"How to make this seal for example. I think it would work better if I'd had red scarf though."
>Sounds like she's trying to give impression that it was really hard to make, but she pulled it off anyways.
>"What does the seal do?" I ask with genuine curiosity.
>"It dampens my libido enough so I that I won't rape you where you stand."

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