Violated Hero 01/09/2016 (Sat) 19:32:59 Id: 8e8886 No. 521 del
>I start thinking how lucky I am.
>Compared to the massive changes on her lower body, her genitalia are almost untouched.
>And then I recall depraved Japanese erotica I've happened to stumble upon.
>Much of those I would prefer I'd forgotten but I'm glad they didn't just become reality.
>"What a relief, I was worried you'd have... something else."
>Sarah looks at me, confused.
>I curse my slick tongue.
>"What do you mean?" She asks.
>"Please, never mind that." I ask not wanting to explain deviant anime porn concepts to her.
>"Did you fear it had moved somewhere else?"
>She points behind her.
>Damn, her abdomen appears to be at least as long as she is tall.
>I swallow and try to contain my spaghetti.
>"This is first time I've ever come even close to having sex. Please, lets not make it any more awkward."
>I'm so nervous, I'm shaking and I can't stop.
>"I haven't had sex before either, but let's do it!" Sarah shouts out rapidly.
>She looks excited as well and is blushing thoroughly.

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