[GreenTeaNeko] MON GIRL 4koma [Ongoing] Violated Hero 01/11/2016 (Mon) 09:27:01 Id: 94277d No. 633 del
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>high impact patreon Jewing has left gaps in this collection
>there is light gore and cute things getting hurt

Hello guys, I came across a nice collection of very funny monstergirl 4komas. I have amassed them all along with some bonus pdfs.
If anyone who enjoys the content here and bites the bullets and becomes a patreon, I would be very grateful if you could leak the missing pages here. Also if someone could convert the .pdfs I'll post later into images I would be grateful.


Note: some of these may be incorrectly numbered. Where it was released on patreon they didn't number some of them. They've either been renamed '#a.extension' '#b.extension' or incorrectly numbered to something else. I can't tell 'cause of the patreon exclusive stuff I don't have.