Anonymous 08/02/2024 (Fri) 23:29 No.2655 del
(67.76 KB 1080x1920 noemie big head.jpg)
I was the main noemi poster on chen, and I have probably posted noemi once or twice on /neko/ but despite being the biggest noemi poster (by mass) I honestly don't engage with her tiktok often, I mostly see her instagram posts, so a lot of what I end up saving is images.

Her instagram is usually full of either cute pictures or funny ones, pic related.

And whilst I joked about the post above being a coomer, it was clearly a joke, even in a swimsuit, by far the least dressed of any tok posted so far on /neko/ i just don't think it exudes coomer energy, noemi is far too goofy for that. she's just hungarian.

also, her dog died like a week ago, rest in peace cherry's dog, he seemed like a good boy from the stuff she posted of him.