Anonymous 08/04/2024 (Sun) 19:42 No.2724 del
In a small town called Southport, a children's dancing class was attacked by a 17 year old non-white individual with a knife. 3 young girls died, several were severely injured, some adults were too who fought to protect them.

The attacker wasn't named because he was 17 years and 355 days old, and because of our law children criminals aren't named unless it's deemed in the public interest.

Supposed 'far-right' groups have mobilised protests and riots across the country in the past few days, claiming the attacker was a muslim.

The attacker turns out to have been born in the UK, to immigrant parents, but still.

My city had a protest within the last few days and dozens of people were arrested. In southport they lit a police van on fire. Shops have been looted in some places.

There's still protests to this day, like 5 days later.