Anonymous 06/20/2024 (Thu) 09:01 No.324 del
But I was asleep, and since 316 have not posted until now (well, I have seen 317, but at 18 I was already in bed)
You have been misled, bamboozled, japed on.
>saving it for today
Thanks :3
Funny thing, whenever I see "random question" and if it's actually not just somebody screaming that they're new I do feel a tinge of sadness, but I've decided I will not post and I'm sticking to it. Shitpost or not.
>no conversation on nekochen since we left
I mean there were some but they're even more disconnected than when we miss each others post because of the auto thread refresh delay lol.
>>320 >>321 >>322
I don't want to write a whole thesis on the state of chen but I appreciate those toks so I'll give you (you)'s :3

I think radd turned off or at least reduced the filter in some of the toks, funny thing? She's pretty cute anyway, and slapping a filter on her face makes it kind of unnatural looking imo.