Anonymous 09/04/2024 (Wed) 20:10 No.4482 del
I'm lying about stuff I have actually done/am familiar enough to lie about.

During University I did do some volunteering, it was for a local litter pickup/clean up organisation, I'm expanding that out to have been 2 years. When it was more like 10 months.

I'm also saying I volunteer for the citizen science volunteering program of the bumblebee conservation trust, which just requires counting and identifying bumblebees on your walks, and recording their location. I can do that.

Obviously, when I apply to a job actually with the bumblebee conservation trust (thats on my list for this week) I will be removing the bit about working for them, as they will actually be able to call me out.

I also have invented a few new jobs I did in the last few years, I've expanded out a research position I had to sound fancier than it was and I think working as an event organizer for open days and such has some good skills I could talk about, so... I did that now.

Maybe I also did a paper round when I was a teenager, and maybe I trained a Kestral? Who knows, the sky is the limit, I can be anyone.