Anonymous 09/07/2024 (Sat) 11:36 No.4642 del
Look what a great post I've found on facebook, pasting unaltered:
"Those of us that are woke know that the european monarchy rule the u.s. which proves the white race is the most**people on earth. They are the serf class sent to amerikkka to work in the factories and rent the apartments. Taxed and worked for a sense of superiority while their counterparts in Europe live off their backs. There are no significant resources in Europe. Their vegetables are engineered. Their stock consists of lamas and goats. Look at the fake history of the revolutionary war. Look at the big picture. Yes we are caught up in this sht but we are the g.o.a.t. of this sht. The white race of the u.s. are the true corporate asset of America."
Truly opened my eyes 👁👁