Anonymous 06/23/2024 (Sun) 09:19 No.467 del
(15.30 MB 854x480 0623.mp4)
good morning /nekos/
im gonna be more positive, sorry for being such a negative nancy, a debbie downer, and a cringy cindy
You're right, as usual, its probably an old person thing. I'm just looking for the worst in people. Ahhh, I shouldn't let tiny little things live rent free in my mind.
but enough about Bonald's height-
I went through stages, thinking it was susu, then she started dancing and it wasn't. Then I thought it looked like Arie. Now I'm not sure.
All I know is that is NOT the girl that I would be generous AND HANDSOME to.
What if it was the funniest neko post of all time and you just forgot? It'll never go in the book of bad posts...