Anonymous 09/07/2024 (Sat) 18:56 No.4697 del
If it was a cute girl they/them I'd at least be offended
but it's just a fat guy larping as a nonbinary
They replied a few minutes ago and told me they'd contact someone about the refund because they payment isn't sent directly to them, it's processed through the company he was gonna rent the space from.
This was supposedly advertised in a bunch of locations, I wasn't aware I would LITERALLY be the only one that showed up. They've run sessions at a different venue, for a higher price, and gotten a dozen people showing up before.
And just last night, 18 people showed up online for one of their sessions (me included), whilst most of them weren't local, i felt that also kinda shows that he can get people interested.

I'll get my refund and then I'll buy some more donuts.