Anonymous 09/16/2024 (Mon) 14:41 No.5154 del
(273.60 KB 800x800 The life of Neko.png) [Embed]
You say you never saw this comin', well, you're not alone
Cuckbox renovations to a Japanese home
My chat says I gave them the best laughs of their life
I saw a recent bossrush, I guess they were right
I wake up, assessin' the damages
Checkin' Twitch clips out
Pictures of me failboating against the twins
But it's laggy enough to get the deny out
I wake up, all donuts no eggs
I hit the game, all build no mechs
Yep, then I made myself a smoothie
Yeah, then me and nursie made a movie
Corruption, Hallow, Hallow to Corruption,
Ándale, ándale E.I, E.I, uh-oh,
You had me running far enough to switch the biome
You had the best run of all time at the time, though

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