Anonymous 09/17/2024 (Tue) 20:41 No.5231 del
Thank you for sharing neko. The cliff pictures especially remind me of when I went to Jersey and we visited the breeding site of the Red-Billed Choughs reintroduction project, a lovely walk across the Jersey cliffside, to see the environment these birds are being reintroduced to.

Sadly, for a variety of reasons, the red-billed chough reintroduction project is failing. There's now fewer adult choughs than the number they brought over in ~2018, which shows a breeding failure and that the risks to their life from the local quarry has made this reintroduction project unsuccessful.

Thank you for posting and reminding me that there's a beautiful world out there outside of this house I feel trapped in currently. And thank you to the Red-Billed Choughs for defrauding the Jersey government. FUCK YOU JERSEY 🖕🖕🖕