Anonymous 09/19/2024 (Thu) 12:06 No.5295 del
>normalmente nao uso essas lentes pra esse cosplay
I would say "these" since she is referring to the blue ones she has one, since she then says that she usually use brown lenses for reimu
>então eu tô usando essas mesmo que é da cor natural do meu olho
<why does she not go natural then
she said that she does it to make the blue in her eyes look bigger
>"now I get the purpose of the contacts, sorry that I didnt watch the full yaptok before doing this"
naurrr I didnt watch the full translationvideo before starting to type naurrrrr
if I had to use my knowledge of women, I would probably say that it makes her look more shiny/glowing cus thats a thing I remember women caring about
>[FUCK YOU gestured in gang signs]
kkkkkkkk funny neko
>sombra marrom
brown eyeshadow? sei lá
If I had to say that in english I would probably say "a little flick"
like with the lipstick, she gives it "a little flick" ontop

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