Anonymous 09/25/2024 (Wed) 20:33 No.5526 del
Additionally if I hadn't decided to look up universities on a whim on August 15th 2019, out of sheer boredom of hopelessness, I wouldn't have ended up going to university 3 weeks later, so I would've been stuck at home going nowhere in life for another year.

Sometimes singular actions can end up being impactful and positive.

I'm sorry for blogposting a little, I'm in a thinking mood but in a good way at least, it's nice to think about all the little actions in life that have led to good things.

I semi-regularly check in on /ksg/ - Katawa Shoujo General on 4chan's /vg/ board and though I've not posted there in years at this point, it's nice to see another slowhole place where people are positive to one another and discussing a niche interest.

I'm gonna felt something tomorrow. I haven't finished felting anything since that Whale that I made as a present for BGC Girl. It made me happy to make that, it was thoughtful. I MADE something for someone. I hope she still looks at it regularly and likes it. I'm probably gonna felt a lifesize model of Kay, zomg that would be so freaking epic.