Reader 12/23/2023 (Sat) 15:20 Id: 9e949a No.21883 del
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“All employees of the Houston County School District are required to follow the Code of Ethics for Educators. If there is a violation or accusation of a violation, we investigate and respond appropriately. While we are not able to discuss specific personnel matters, we can share that Mr. Reese has not been on the campus of Warner Robins Middle School since Dec. 7, 2023. Safety and the well-being of our students and staff is our number one priority.”

Reese told the police that he didn’t make any “racist” statements to the child — which implies that the young student was probably black — but like most Jews, Reese is blind to his own Jewish supremacy. By pointing out that he is a Jew — and should be afforded special treatment which allows him to terrorize children — Reese is the very definition of a racial, Jewish supremacist. Though all Jews will deny it, they are brainwashed from the cradle into believing that they are special — or “God’s Chosen™” — and that there are therefore special rules for Jews and other rules for the goyim or “gentiles”. For example, in 2019 a high school principal at the public school in Florida was fired for merely pointing out to his students that not everyone believed that the Holocaust™ actually happened — and that they should make up their own minds on the matter. We reported on a similar case to the Reese affair earlier this year when David Schroeder — a Jewish public school teacher in Grafton, Wisconsin — threatened his black students with a baseball bat and guns, calling them “niggers.” In 2019, a video was leaked of an rabbi instructor at an Israeli military academy admitting that Adolf Hitler’s racial supremacy doctrine was correct — but the only mistake Hitler made was not understanding that it is the Jews who are the superior race.

It’s no wonder that these narcissistic Jews in general have a much higher incidence of mental illness than the general population — they actually blame this mental illness on [lies about being] victimized by “barbarous Nazis” which literally “shrunk their brains” — but never on their multi-generational inbreeding — or endogamy — or their spurious “Israelite” identity based on lies. For good reason, during the Byzantine or Eastern Roman Empire, Jews were forbidden from being teachers of Christian children — a wise policy that was re-instituted under the National Socialist in Germany. As we see with Jewish teachers like Benjamin Reese and David Schroeder, there is a suppressed violence bubbling under the surface — and with the right “triggers”, that violence is revealed for all to see. And if Jews were not held in check, as the case in Bolshevik Russia, any one of us who crossed them would be targeted for liquidation:

“If [the Jews] had the power to do to us what we are able to do to them, not one of us would live for an hour. But since they lack the power to do this publicly, they remain our daily murderers and bloodthirsty foes in their hearts.” –– Martin Luther (1483-1546): On The Jews and Their Lies: 9/11, p. 141