Reader 01/11/2024 (Thu) 13:43 Id: 7d1ff1 No.21912 del
>The US today is the opposite of what the USA was in 1999.

There were bad times back then too, just not nearly as fubar as they are today. We still witnessed Waco, the ban on semi-auto rifles for a while along with school shootings, we had foreign interventions too like the Gulf war and other regions within the Middle East too. Were the 1990s better than today? Absolutely no question they were. Just like the 1980s were better than the 1990s. And so on. I think things are going to get worse and worse as the Western world collapses unfortunately. I would prepare accordingly if I were you.

>Now Americans love dependency, immorality, war, tyranny, and debt.

Some actually do, but not most of us. The biggest problem with tyranny, corruption, subversion and national debt insolvency is the fact it is NOT voluntary: it is imposed against our will. So most of America has no say. We tried to change that voting out Hillary Clinton, and nothing changed and to no avail. Trump surrounded himself with bad people, the same "deep state" he railed against, look how that turned out. It's really a minority of control freak oligarchs, subverted perverts, empirical enthusiast Zionist neo-cons and communist/marxist cultists who gutted and destroyed the future for America. I predict the time the guns finally get used will be the time Americans go starving and face losing everything. I just pray those guns would be turned against those who ruined this country instead of one another if/when that time comes.