Reader 01/12/2024 (Fri) 22:15 Id: 6d0f56 No.21922 del
63% of Army recruits were white in 2001 due to the lies about 9/11. Reports started whining about over-representation in 2002 when 21% where minorities and the highest dropout rate was hispanics. It wasn't publicized on Twitter (which didn't exist until 2006) nor were there trans and black commercials back then.

I recall being a young blind fool trying to sign up. The recruiter said I made a very high score on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery so I would "be smart enough to be a nuclear engineer". Then I went through MEPS. 36 hours later without sleep, the only "career" available to me was "chef". There's a job for jews if they're ever displaced from positions of government, finance and media leadership. Because recruiters are liars. They didn't let me in after all due to one minor health issue (eyesight) which was a good thing