Reader 01/13/2024 (Sat) 07:55 Id: 4678fa No.21924 del
Yeah, Alex definitely got too big for his britches, AFAIK he has NEVER mentioned Wexner, Pritzker, the Bronfmans, Freada Klein, or Robert Maxwell while covering Epstein stuff. I would imagine the first credible threats started coming in after Epstein's double was "killed" and so he remained laser focused on only the already well known Clinton and Hollywood connections, not a peep on the "Jew Gangsters" who began setting up the network during the prohibition era, then super charged it after ww2 recruiting a bunch of spies and Mossad. The Sandy Hook shit was probably dangling over him as the primary threat. Now that it's passed and his empire is indebted to the jew, all he's got left is his own crummy life.
It's too big for me to post but look up the partisangirl chats with Charles Johnson
Jones never actually got around to asking the question, or even answering "where does Epstein get these girls?"
There's just WAY too many for Hollywood hopefuls, plus he would have had to "share" with other networks like Weinstein's and Meyer's.
The answer is Wexner and the Victoria Secrets modelling agency. Vickie really did have some secrets after all!