Reader 01/27/2024 (Sat) 01:37 Id: fb7050 No.21982 del
(568.41 KB 774x657 jet.png)
Ahh I see. Thanks for clearing that up

Dude. Russians HATE their own government. With a passion. I think we'll be fine having them here.

Fun story I got from the time Endchan was migration and we were in the bunker: That's not the first Russian board that's been online. They've gotten shut down 10 times or more at least. And it's for all the RW content they've made in every imageboard they stay in. But they always manage to find a way to get another board online. That's how persistent they are anon.

Still, it's a shame to see how the BO is acting with them now. But they could always make another board or post here though