Reader 02/28/2024 (Wed) 20:39 Id: a96fe2 No.22263 del
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>My question is why is a two state solution so hard to be agreed upon between Palestine and Israel?
The issue is that a "two state solution" is in itself hypocritical.
The Palestinians don't want it, as they shouldn't, because no one should ever accept an invading population to be normalized after stealing your land.
The zionists don't want it, because their aim is to remove from history that the people of palestive ever existed, as to claim the jews have always been there, and so long the palestinians exist they are the living proof of the zionist subversion and invasion of the land of palestine.

The zionists don't get to even claim a "two state solution", which they aren't supporting anyway, because they were never native people of those lands. It's only during the second world war that the jews started to mass immigrate into palestine and to displace the native populations there, as for the Haavara agreements: