Reader 03/01/2024 (Fri) 15:03 Id: 2a14d2 No.22281 del
I think it's a big mistake honestly not to have a peaceful resolution between the two factions. Consider what happened between Ukraine and Russia after 2014 when the rhetoric from both sides grew cold and bitter, dividing the Russian ethnicity and Ukrainian ethnicity. Did that turn out good for Russia or Ukraine? How did it turn out for the Western world after we got involved in their war? Point is peaceful diplomacy is almost always better for the civilian population than war is. The only ones benefiting from wars are governments, politicians, the military industrial complex and bankers. Look what happened after Hamas hit Israel, you really think the average Palestinian thinks it was "worth it" now that their livelihoods are reduced to rubble with tens of thousands killed? You should probably ask the average Palestinian refugee that question. By promoting more war it will only add to more death and misery in the Middle East.