Reader 03/02/2024 (Sat) 14:29 Id: 2a14d2 No.22290 del
>Israel refuses to back down, even when rebuked by both the U.S. and the U.N. So Palestinians fight back and then they're blamed for doing that.

Well that's part of the problem, Israel refuses to back down, and so does Palestine as their government chooses to fight back. Probably best we just stay out of that hostile region altogether and let them duke it out. Unfortunately Israel has a lot more weapons, so that won't be a fair fight. We do need to stop providing them weapons, same as Ukraine.

>They are, but they're milktoast now. All talk. They insisted on their fans wearing masks during the outbreak.

Lol, well there goes their concept of "anarchy" in a nutshell. "It's OK you obey the rules only if we agree with them!"

I'm aware the land was stolen in the 1960s and sure it was wrong to steal their land, I'm just saying they all should learn to live together in peace, it's too late to roll this all back due to the fact Israel is much more heavily armed and they are getting constant re-enforcement from the Western world while the UN is too scared to enforce war crime tribunals. I agree we do need to stay out of this mess entirely at this point, nothing the US government has done benefits anyone anymore.