Reader 03/20/2024 (Wed) 23:24 Id: 272e70 No.22373 del
MY COMMENT: I'll reiterate one warning I posted earlier today. This is a very dangerous situation because the potential for deadly escalation is very high, not only because NATO troops would be subject to Russian retaliation in Ukraine, but because so many Western citizens are thoroughly brainwashed by their State-run corporate establishment media that will soon be promoting this dangerous escalation with a nuclear and industrial superpower. Brainwashed citizens hell-bent on irrational anger tend to radically undermine the well being of everyone else around them as we clearly see today. So I will reiterate this very dire warning:

It would be very wise for Americans and Europeans to refuse to partake in this war. People are dying every day in Ukraine. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian and Russian troops have been slaughtered. This is NOT our war, and it would be suicidal and stupid on our part to partake in this war or send our family members into it. The buck has got to stop with the American and European citizenry and their dissent, their refusal to become cannon fodder. Let us hope a call to end this foolishness whos selfish 'leaders' like Macron are engaging in, and a return to sanity prevails. – However... consider the warnings of war. – If YOU get YOURSELF involved in this war, YOU are at fault because YOU put your own life at risk for insane stooges like Macron.

I sincerely hope no one ends up killed, but if this INTEL report is true, there is no chance of stopping more fatality. I just hope Americans and Europeans understand that this was a decision by NATO and they are fully responsible for their actions if they get their troops killed.