As Biden Brings America To War With Russia, His Regime Is Cutting Off Our Energy Supply!Reader05/31/2024 (Fri) 22:16 Id: 857f6aNo.22588del
As Biden Brings America To War With Russia, His Regime Is Cutting Off Our Energy Supply!
Bolshevik Joe Biden has just declared war on coal as his regime is seeking to destroy America's energy independence, right as his regime is preparing for war with Russia ironically.
The Bureau of Land Management has just released a new series of Unconstitutional fiat regulations that have the clear intent of locking up millions of acres of federal land from coal mining and drilling for oil and natural gas, as well as shutting down the nation's remaining coal-fired power generation fleet. Never mind no laws were passed by Congress.
The new set of rules effectively makes it impossible for utilities to continue to operate coal-fired power plants without investing in new, largely unproven commercial and highly expensive, carbon capture technologies capable of cutting 95 percent of carbon dioxide emissions. It would also require the same for any new natural gas-powered facilities.
The regulations were issued, incidentally, days before the close of a window of time allowing a new president to reverse the decision by executive order.
The rules were released in response to a 2022 court order that said two federal land management plans drafted for the Powder River Basin during former President Donald Trump's administration had reportedly "failed to adequately take into account climate change and public health problems caused by burning coal."
Meanwhile, the Spring Creek Mine, another Montana mine, could run out of federal coal reserves by 2035. This forecast is more than 50 years earlier than if leases were to continue being issued, according to government analyses of the proposal.
America is obviously under sabotage by domestic enemies within. Every American needs to consider this nation is already under attack, and prepare what they need to survive without relying on the power grid 24/7. Companies should also be filing class action lawsuits to stop these attacks.
Not only that the shutting down of coal mining and power plants could make consumers' pockets empty and put the power grid in danger, especially during summer and winter, this could drive inflation even higher and force many companies to shut down.