Reader 07/25/2024 (Thu) 08:52 Id: 5debd0 No.22737 del
Why have you focused just on citing the selected fragment? Why drop out the other part?
You might be luring us to obtain a biased opinion.
>"Today, I banned the right-wing extremist 'COMPACT Magazine,'" Faeser wrote. "It agitates in an unspeakable way against Jews, against Muslims and against our democracy. Our ban is a hard blow against the right-wing extremist scene."

>Faeser added in a follow-up statement that Germany under her watch "will not allow ethnic definitions of who belongs to Germany and who does not."

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>"Our constitutional state protects all those who are persecuted because of their faith, their origin, their skin color or their democratic stance," she insists.

>Elsässer's video production company Conspect Film GmbH also banned in Germany

>To be sure that he does not continue producing media content in other formats, Faeser's raid also included the shutdown of Elsässer's video production company Conspect Film GmbH, which is no longer in operation in Germany.

>All of this marks the first time ever in Germany that a media outlet of this size has been targeted in such an extreme and flagrant way.

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