Reader 08/04/2024 (Sun) 04:25 Id: b421a6 No.22768 del
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>Israel's rather strong fortified defenses
Nothing about Israel is strong. All it takes is tanks after a real military force decimates their numbers. Israelis can't fight anyone but civilians without pissing themselves. We all know the U.S. govt is definitely stepping into that pile of shit. How could they not? They're Israel's personal bitch. The U.S. military paper tiger no longer has a draft nor strong young men to recruit anymore. When it had both, it still couldn't win in Vietnam. Imagine trying to reshape flaming gays, pronouns whining trannies and gibs me reparations porch monkeys into a fighting force. As soon as this empire finally falls, the Arab nations will descend like vultures on Israel's rotting corpse.