Britain Is Proof: Traitors Plan To Use Migrants As A Mercenary Army Against The West Reader 08/14/2024 (Wed) 13:46 Id: 1d40a6 No.22808 del
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Britain Is Proof: Traitors Plan To Use Migrants As A Mercenary Army Against The West

Why do western officials insist on gaslighting the public on illegal border crossings? Why do they attempt to destroy anyone that publicly opposes mass immigration from the third world?

The laws on the books support the public’s majority position on immigration: Come here legally or don’t come here at all. In Europe, the UK and the US polls show a majority of citizens want reductions in immigration and better border security. Yet, government officials, who often claim to be “protecting democracy,” brazenly ignore these majority concerns. Why?

For many years now I have offered a specific theory on the true agenda behind open border policies in western countries and I believe this theory answers most of questions surrounding weaponized illegal immigration

The common claim is that this is all part of the “Cloward-Piven Strategy”: A social engineering method which uses large scale relocation of migrants into a society in order to deliberately destabilize that nation. The goal is to import people with a incompatible or hostile ideology and, eventually, the target culture will break down and be forced to accept a new system of governance (i.e. from free markets and liberty to communism and slavery).

If western populations are unified in opposing the globalist ideology then the task of deconstruction becomes impossible for them. So, they simply destroy the west from within by introducing millions of people that will NEVER assimilate or unify.

I think there is a deeper and even more sinister purpose to the introduction of third world migrants to the US and Europe:

In other words, my argument was that migrants from the third-world are not merely being used as unwitting tools for cultural saturation of the west. They’re not being shipped in by the millions to simply live off the fruits of our labor and our ancestors’ labors. I believe they are being brought into the US, the UK and Europe as enforcers for the establishment.

Think about it. They are essentially bought and paid for. They are mercenaries recruited with offers of easy citizenship, government handouts and the opportunity to brutalize the Western (and generally white) populations they despise. And, they are allowed to do this while hiding behind corrupt government law enforcement agencies for protection.

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