Reader 09/05/2024 (Thu) 14:40 Id: 9c2bfb No.22888 del
I 100% agree anon.

While I don't mind what Elon Musk has done with Twitter X and his Space X program (I think by far the most successful and beneficial for society btw) his electric vehicles suck because they lack user privacy, the batteries are dangerous and can overheat and blow up in certain environments and EVs in general are not sustainable when we have massive amounts of land and a heavily sprawled out population with over 19,000+ towns and hundreds of cities all over the continent. EVs take a long time to charge and no one is going to wish to drive somewhere and sit around for hours waiting for their vehicle to charge just to get back home or somewhere else.

Worse, what most of these 'green new deal' idiots cannot comprehend is that EVs still use energy, they still rely on nuclear power and fossil fuels. EVs are not doing anything but transferring the use of gas from individuals to other power companies. It reminds me of the stupidity from the German green party (non-existent anymore because they got less than 1% the vote last election LOL), the BTFO 'green party' losers decided to sanction Russia and cut off their cheap oil supply. The problem is they still needed that oil because of their massive domestic industrial production! And that same party also voted to shut down alternative nuclear plants too! So they ended up paying for the same oil from other sources for 3x to 4x the cost, and it turns out those sources (like Turkey and India) were getting the oil dirt cheap from.... you guess it .... Russia. It makes no sense and that is the kind of stupidity their 'green new deal' wants to impose onto consumers. Pay 4x the price for something you could have gotten a lot cheaper, and cripple the economy with inconvenience by doing so! Retards.

The thing I do like about Elon is that even he admits it. He admits we can't totally cut off valuable energy resources like gas and oil. So he has some common sense unlike our political leaders. Not sure why he won't support hybrids instead. There are a lot of people who like the idea of having hybrids, which would be much more convenient for modern society than EVs.