Debt as Weapon. Fire as Weapon. Playing Stupid as Weapon. Tardus 09/05/2024 (Thu) 23:38 Id: f0bad9 No.22889 del
So true. Because it's somewhat like the caste system of India in this way: If you a man so fucking lazy and gullible and technologically misinformed as to want a tersla then how would the rest of us rehab you? How would we explain to such a man, that tools, and fixing shit, is the best way for a man to live ones life? It's like oil trying to be talked into being water. Pointless to even explain to a non tool using man why he should be a tool user. Adolf once again gives us the way, he was no dilletante no high hatted fob of a man. He was street level. Eating his braust and feeding his pet mouse and thinking deeply about how to fix his country and perhaps yes even the world.
I must also applaud you as a good father of this era, I dont have any kids and the jew has made it basically radioactive to even like chiuldren. Indeed its a truly horrid debasement and mutilation of society since these shited up chan imageboards are full of kids with whom few adults can even teach good values to. Even the fucking boy scouts a great org has been laid into the dust by these fucking jews. So, even moreso do fathers have a larger burden. Also with media being what it is, all one realy can do is try to pass on good values and basically tell the kids to stay the fuck away from niggers and do not share the values of the jew. And also to understand electricity and to use that to ones advantage and not to be a gimped up lame in such a time of free knowledge and truth at the fingertips of all people. Tell them to test these ideas out at their peril. May God and Jesus and Adolf and all the angels bless your efforts sir. Adolf would have been an excellent father and I think we can all agree on that.