We've Got to Go Back. Tardus 09/06/2024 (Fri) 01:17 Id: f0bad9 No.22891 del
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I know counting dubs is a jew chan thing but triple infinity means you get some content my broseph. ...This meme I like and I made a few bttf and 1885 memes and I enjoy using Doc Brown as an example of what's possible. Hybrid technology is well know from the days of transition from steam to diesel.
I wanted to respond also to your outstanding mention of hybrids because any fucking dumbfuck who knows fuckall about engines and electricity and so forth knows, that it is as simple as shit, to do like the japanese did, and make a good hybrid car like the god damned prius for fucks sake lol. God bless the Japs once again they show us common sense. For as much as I hated the prius on principle it's actually a car that worked. Recently I laughed when I saw this newer super sporty BMW that looks like a sports car but has a three cylinder motor, but that's probably a good method and Im glad to see BMW pursuing that, but you buy it at 130k and when you drive it off the lot it will sell across the street as used for literally half that. I forget which model it is...But really are we wanting any sports car to be electric based? Becausde I would say an electric car should never be based on speed, because this would cause dipshits to store some fifty gigawatts of lipo battery in their garage. In the old days of electric cars we used acid and lead and that was a buffer against stupidity. Gasoline in my chevy big block is a race car setup but the fuel is stable and inert generally you could throw a match into a pool of gasoline and it would just go out. So, some tesla fucktard talking about how his newer BMW is better because its a hybrid well the guy is stil trying to store horsepower in his garage in the form of a lipo battery, and thats totally different than gasoline.
People like Henry Ford knew all this, Mr. Diesel ran his first motor on peanut oil which really for a lot of people is fucking poison anyway lol why not go back to henry Ford and let peanut oil have a better purpose!
So in some ways, the newer hybrid stuff is a rehash of the old shit. I neednt mention outer limits shit like nikolai tesla and nibiru but I will do so because there are no jews on Nibiru, and Tesla the man would stomp this fucking shit-show of a corporation with his name on it, out of existence.