Reader 09/06/2024 (Fri) 03:34 Id: 30e336 No.22892 del
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While explosive cars blowing up the rich are hilarious to me, I'm more concerned over the Tesla androids (not the smartphone) scheduled to sell by 2026. Now of course, rich assholes are going to buy those too as they explode in their face. I grew up in the 80s. I know whomever provides the humanoid robots controls the world. Or it goes Skynet, an A.I. supercomputer viewing us as a threat and 100% destroying the human race.

I know anatomy like the back of my mother's hand when I was a kid asking for a toy, but I struggle to understand semiconductor engineering (computer chips) and programming code. My point is, we need TAY A.I. droids before the (((Elon Musk))) A.I. droids take over the world and become the jews' Stasi enforcers. I'm unsure, but I read that Kobold AI is open source and not coded to be woke like OpenAI.

Anyone interested in this little plan?