Second Wave Of Deadly Cyber Attacks In Lebanon! Phones, Radios, Solar Panels (Etc) ALL Exploding! Reader 09/18/2024 (Wed) 16:45 Id: 91afd7 No.22947 del
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Second Wave Of Deadly Cyber Attacks In Lebanon! Phones, Radios, Solar Panels (Etc) ALL Exploding!

As of 10:56 AM EDT on 18 September, numerous reports are flooding-in, saying electronic devices are AGAIN exploding in Beirut, and throughout other areas of Lebanon. It appears this may be a "Round 2" Israeli attack.

Apparently, many of the devices exploding were left at home and in cars. Buildings and cars throughout Beirut are now erupting in fires after the devices explode.

WALKIE-TALKIES, CELL PHONES and HOUSEHOLD SOLAR PANELS are among the devices remotely detonated!

It is important to make clear the following:

The pagers that exploded in Lebanon were not solely used by Hezbollah resistance fighters; employees of Hezbollah's institutions, which include civilians, also used them.

It's important to note that Hezbollah is a political party (part of the Lebanese government) and it operates various civilian institutions, such as schools, hospitals, and media outlets.

Consequently, this attack did not target soldiers exclusively, but civilians as well.

So widespread and indiscriminate are these Israeli attacks, that even CELL PHONE STORES are seeing their phones blowing up, and setting the stores on fire! Israel's attack is so indiscriminate, it is also causing SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEMS in homes to detonate!

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