DHS and MAyorkas are Jew Orgs Birthed From the Muck of Jew Mureder Sep 11, 2001 Tardus 09/23/2024 (Mon) 14:27 Id: 4328b2 No.22955 del
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https://www.bitchute.com/video/nsqqwzkeqjnY [Embed]

Good excerpt here from the struggle of Adolf. Notice how he goes through a normal transformation of thought, almost like he grew up during an alien invasion of Germany. Truthfully that is what the jews did to germany and russia during those times. The heady bloodletting of the French Revolution really got them whipped up and we are living in the result of that today. In terms of time and space, the French Revolution and the US Jew Civil War are basically like "last month" and really just happened. However, those of us who have a zoomed out macro lens on the timeline, are thus being even moreso distanced from these kids, because the kids attention span and mental ability to grasp the scale of things, is being ruined. So, it's sometimes like we have to leave a message to the future or something. That's kinda why I do memes and never use twit/X or any of those jew domains. Here it's bitchute which is really the same fucking thing but at least this kind of good, historic and truthful comment of this fine man of history, can finally be heard. You can see why Mayorkas and his cunt friends would burn entire neighborhoods just to Farenheit 451 Mein Kampf and then they would say it never existed. DHS is a turd.

The point to look for in the text above is that at first Adolf saw jews and zionists as being at odds with one another, but then phase two became "Wait, perhaps they are faking their fight, and are actually 'brothers disagreeing'?? ...And then he proceeded to stage three "Holy schneitzel, they are not benign they are actually pretending to fight and they are actually at the root of all this destruction of my nation and smearing of our people!! THEY ARE DOING IT ON PURPOSE!!" ...And so then he realized at stage three, that they both hide under the hex/star of david, aka "magen david" which is a magical symbol. You dont get people fighting under the same symbol, imagine if the NATSOCS tried to say they had a totally hidden tribe inside thiers, which oy vey we can't root out of us, and we both use the same flag, and you never really see us actually fight, and your nations are being united under our yoke of DEBT IMPENETRABLE AND UNCEASING..People would laugh to think there was a secret tribe inside the NATSOC of Adolfs day, and yet the jew/khazar/zionist surfs on that shit for decades.

"You don't have to be a Jew to be a zionist" - Joe Biden the Catholic

"I probably the most famous Jewish catholic there is!" - Jimmy Saville