Reader 10/05/2024 (Sat) 12:50 Id: be9f2c No.22995 del
In one area outside of Ashville, a reportedly abusive manager from FEMA allegedly told locals they would be arrested if they kept complaining, so the locals got out of their chairs and reportedly beat the living shit out of the guy.

Oh well. Whatever works!

“I’m going to give FEMA a fair warning, as a man who lives in the mountains of Appalachia.

Don’t think for one second we won’t fight back if you try to starve us out.

You better start letting volunteers bring those supplies in.

If you keep blocking us and trying to steal the supplies, certain measures will be taken.

Don’t underestimate us. We’ve conquered way tougher groups than your government bureaucrats.

Don’t fck around and find out.”

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